When it comes to traditional Indian marriages, one important aspect is the horoscope matching process that determines the compatibility between a prospective bride and groom. This process involves assessing the compatibility of their Rashi (zodiac sign) and Nakshatra (lunar mansion), commonly known as star matching. Astrograha offers an online Nakshatra matching calculator that supports both South Indian-based (10 porutham) and North Indian-based (36 point) calculations.
By inputting the birth star and Rasi of both the boy and girl, the calculator generates a rating displayed in a chart format. This tool helps you gauge the compatibility between the individuals based on their respective stars, enabling you to make an initial check regarding their potential compatibility for a harmonious marital union.
With Astrograha's Nakshatra matching calculator, you have the flexibility to choose between the South Indian and North Indian methods, ensuring that you can perform the matching process according to your cultural and regional preferences. This feature provides you with a convenient and accessible tool to embark on the journey towards a fulfilling and blissful marriage, while also recognizing the significance of traditional astrological practices in different parts of India.
Caution: It's important to note that while Astrograha's Nakshatra matching calculator serves as a useful starting point, the horoscope matching process can be complex and may involve additional factors and considerations. Consulting an experienced astrologer is advisable for a comprehensive analysis of horoscopes and to understand the potential implications for marriage compatibility.
A rating of 50% or more in the star / nakshatra compatibility calculator indicates a good compatibility between the boy and the Girl.
The nakshatra compatibility calculator uses 10 match making rules and provides percentage compatibility. Some of the astrologers give importance to very specific rules (Example: Rajju is considered to be very important, and if there is no Rajju match, then marriage will not be recommended by astrologer). Hence it is suggested that an astrologer be consulted to determine the overall marriage compatibility.
This North Indian Nakshtra match making, provides a 36 point rating for checking the compatibility of marriage
A minimum of 18 points is expected to have a decent match. If the points are less than 18 then the match is not recommended.
However the nakshatra matching should not be the only basis of making a decision, the horoscope as a whole needs to be reviewed with an astrologer.
In South India, Nakshatra matching, also known as "star matching" or "Koota matching," follows 10 specific rules called "porutham" in Tamil. These rules determine the marriage compatibility based on the star (Nakshatra) and the Moon sign (Rasi) at the time of birth.
Each rule is provided with 3 ratings. The ratings are classified as:
Dina Porutham assesses the prosperity and health of the couple by calculating the Nakshatra count from the girl's to the boy's. If the count is 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 24, or 26, Dina Porutham is awarded 1 point.
The mathiyamam porutham for Dina is considered if the boy’s nakshatra is 1st Pada of the 12th star (or) 4th pada of the 14th star (or) 3rd pada of the 16th star from the girl’s nakshatra.
All other combinations are considered as Athamam for Dina Porutham.
The Gana Porutham refers to personality match between the couple. In this porutham the nakshatra’s are classified in 3 categories:
This porutham refers to happiness, prosperity and progeny. It is calculated based on the Nakshatra count from the Girl’s to the Boy’s. If the count is 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, then the porutham is considered to be Uthamam.
There is no mathiyamam match for this category.
This porutham talks about the life of the bride and her passing away as sumangali (death before the husband dies at old age).
If the Girl birth star is atleast 13 or more away from the boy’s birth star then the match is considered uthamam. If it is away by 7 to 12 starts, the match is mathiyamam.
Yoni is an important principle and it determines the sex compatibility of the couple. Here each of the nakshatra’s is marked as a male or female animal.
The basic principle of yoni is that if the boy has a male yoni and the girl has a female yoni, it is considered as a good match.
However it is important to validate the animal relationships as well for yoni.
For Example: Let us say the boy belongs to Chithra (Male Tiger) and the Girl belongs to Anuradha (Female Deer), there would not much of match as Tiger and Deer would be inimical.
If the boys as well as the Girl have male yoni, then the match is considered to be average.
This rule indicates the harmony and unity between the boy and the girl. In this rule the rasi count is taken into consideration rather than the nakshatra’s.
The match doesn’t exist if the boy’s rasi is 6th or 8th to the girl’s rasi.
If the Girls’s rasi is atleast 6 rashi’s away from the boy’s then the match is uthamam. This shows that the boy’s mind can connect well to the girl’s mind.
There are many other rules for Rasi Porutham, which will be covered in detail in the upcoming days by Team Astrograha.
This porutham is based on the relationship of the Rasi lords.
Example 1: If the Boy belongs to Scorpio and Girl belong to Cancer sign, in that case the match exists because lord of Scorpio is mars and lord of cancer is moon and both are friendly to each other.
Example 2: If the Boy belongs to Scorpio and the Girl belong to Capricorn sign, in that case there is no match because lord of Scorpio is mars and lord of Capricorn is Saturn and both are inimical to each other.
If both the lords are the same, then the match is mathiyamam.
This porutham indicates the physical attraction between the couples.
For Each Rasi there is an equivalent vasiya rasi (to which it gets attracted). We have list the vasiya rasi for each rasi below:
Rajju is the most important of all matching rules. If this match does not exist then the marriage will result in a bad marriage.
There are couple of ways to calculate Rajju porutham. Astrograha uses the method of classifying the nakshatra’s into 3 categories: Prathama Rajju, Madhyama Rajju & Anthi Rajju.
The Raju calculation is only applicable for stars following under the Madhyama Rajju category.
The Madhyama Rajju is further divided into Arohana Rajju and Avarohana Rajju. If the boy belongs to one category and the girl belongs to the other then the match is Ok.
The boy and the girl cannot fall under the same Arohana Rajju or Avarohana Rajju, such a match is considered to be bad.
This rule provides us with a list of Nakshatra’s that are lacking of fondness to certain nakshatra’s.
If the boy or girl belongs to a nakshtra that is vedhai (lack of fondness) to the other’s nakshatra, then the rating is 0.
Below is the list of the nakshatra’s and its Vedhai nakshatra’s:
Note: These matchmaking rules are just the first step in the horoscope matching process in astrology.
There are many more concepts such as Rashi Tulya Navamsha, 12th house (bed pleasures), position of Mars and Venus that are looked upon for match making. This is a vast topic and has its own complexities and hence an astrologer’s review is always recommended for match making.
Nakshatra Finder
is to know your Rashi and Nakshatra (Star) by date of birth and birth location.
Chevvai Dosham Finder
is to check if have Chevvai Dosham / Mangal Dosh by date of birth and birth location.