In most of the South Indian marriages the nakshtra matching is an important factor in deciding the compatibility between the boy and the girl. The rating of this nakshatra matching is based on 10 point match making principles described below:
Dhina Match represents Longevity and health. This match is essential for prosperous life without poverty and diseases.
Gana Match represents compatibility of temperament. This match is essential for good behaviour and ability to co-operate with each other in married life
Mahendra Match represents wellbeing and growth of family. This match is examined for wellbeing, Longevity and the growth of the family
Sthree Deerkam represents longevity of the bride. Sthree Deerkam gives an idea about the Life expectancy of the Girl. It is believed that the Girl will live for a long time as wife and her life will end before her husband's life in the old age.
Yoni represents compatibility of sex. Yoni represents sex organs. If this Match is available intimacy of the couple will be satisfactory.
Rasi Match indicates the unity of the couple. This match represents the Unity of the Couple If this match is not present it may indicate potential displeasure and disputes between the husband and wife, unexpected and unnecessary expenditures and problems from children
Rasi Athipathi Match represents friendliness between the couple. This match will result in friendliness between the married couple.
Vasiya Match attraction and adjustability of the couple, it helps the couple to develop more liking and intimacy with each other.Vasiyam also helps to create confidence and adjustability between the husband and wife.
Rajju Match represents durability of married life. Rajju represents the nupital knot (Mangala Suthra) used to tie-up during marriage at an auspicious muhurtham time. If Rajju match is not present it is believed to seriously affect the couple.
Vethai indicates devoid of affection. This match indicates if boy and girls nakshatra becomes vedha to each other then there is no match.